Hello. This is week 3. I used private proxies. I used regular proxies. Up until three weeks ago the proxies worked. Now I have gone through the video for solving the network error. I am able to access the accounts. When I use a proxy in the user agent test. I get a network error. I get a network error inside TAP4. Can anyone help?
Hello. I have followed the video for solving the network error on TAP4. I change user agents and have both desktop and mobile. I go to account manager > check account and still I have 'network error. Also I have cleared the agents and tested with proxy in google chrome. I can visit the mobile account page in twitter. It does not look like the account is blocked. I can log on and test inside chrome and I can access the twitter account. I changed the proxies twice. Still not able to check account says network error. Anything else I can do? Has anyone found a solution? Thanks in advance.
Hello. I just bought tweet attacks pro 4. I installed the whitehatbox a day ago. I followed the instructions and went to enter the serial #. It is responding with "you input a invalid serial number". Please help.